ウェブサイトの設計にはユーザーインターフェース (UI) に関する設計書もドキュメントとして作成する必要があります。
「O’Reilly Japan — Catalog — Web情報アーキテクチャ 第2版」にも記述されている「ワイヤーフレーム」について関連情報を調べてみました。
同書籍のp. 294にある「IA Wiki」サイト内のワイヤーフレーム関連情報は下記URLからリンクできます。
IAwiki: WireFrames
Boxes and Arrows: Where the Wireframes Are: Special Deliverable #3
The Pros and Cons of Wireframes
- demonstrates a site concept quickly, allowing clients to react to content placement and rendering
- can provide guidance to visual designers with respect to information priorities
- allows for usability testing early in the project lifecycle
- can elaborate on a singular vision for the site
- can facilitate collaboration between design team and information architects
- is easy for clients to understand
- hinders creativity and innovation by imposing (real or imagined) limits on design team
- distracts client from tasks at hand: evaluating page priorities, understanding information relationships
- is not necessarily HTML-ready if not developed to scale
- is not necessarily HTML-ready if developed without “chrome”
- does not provide accurate usability testing results
- relies on other documentation to provide a complete picture
- does not consider color, typography, and other brand identity elements
- requires time to wrestle with layout details, which might change in final design anyway