[IA] Information Architecture & Findability Seminar

Information Architecture & Findability Seminar: A Full-Day Workshop by Peter Morville

This new full-day seminar from Peter Morville covers information architecture from top to bottom, explaining how search and navigation systems can be designed to support and shape user behavior.


また、下記記事でそのへんを踏まえた調査結果 (?) がチョロっと書かれています。

Information Architecture Research

Research in Context
Before we dig into the research itself, it’s worth considering the myriad inputs that shape design. They include:

  • Goals and Scope. The stated project goals and scope which may be conveyed in an RFP or as functional specifications.
  • Constraints. The budget, schedule, project team, and technology infrastructure.
  • Discovery. Project-specific research to learn about your unique blend of users, content, and context.
  • Competitive Analysis. Reviewing what everyone else is doing and borrowing from the best.
  • Expertise and Experience. What you already know, including explicit and tacit knowledge.
  • Guidelines. Published heuristics and guidelines derived from research and/or practice.
  • Published Research. Results of academic or corporate research in human-computer interaction, library and information science, cognitive psychology, etc.
  • Usability Testing. Iterative project-specific testing of prior designs and new prototypes.

The information architect must somehow process each of these inputs and reconcile the differences. That’s the hard part.

うーん…… (意味深)。
