「UX Australia 2009」が、キャンベラ (オーストラリア) で3日間 (8/25〜8/27) 開催されます。こちらの「Call for proposals (CFP)」がDonna Spencerさんからから告知されていましたので引用します。オーストラリアのIAコミュニティは一度参加してみたいですね。
We are very pleased to announce the call for proposals for UX Australia 2009.
The conference program for UX Australia 2009 will be based on your input, to ensure that the conference reflects current user
experience practice and also reflects the types of presentations you would like to see.
We are calling for proposals for main conference presentations and for pre-conference workshops.
- Call for proposals – main conference < UX Australia
- Call for proposals – pre-conference workshops < UX Australia
開催までのスケジュール (The Key dates) は以下のようになっています。
- 16 Feb 2009: Call for proposals open
- 29 Mar 2009: Proposals close (this is not a flexible date – we will close on midnight AEST this date)
- 30 Mar 2009: Reviewing starts
- 11 Apr 2009: Speakers notified
- 1 May 2009: Conference registration opens (with full program available)