Rolf Molichの会社、Dialog Design社のInternational Usability Testingの詳細とレポートフォーマット。
ということで、「明示的に宣言されます。」で紹介されているDialog Design社のユーザビリティ・テスティングの詳細とレポートをメモっときます。
DialogDesign – International Usability Testing – Details
DialogDesign – Usability Test Reports
- Executive summary (1 page).
- Methodology (1 page).
- Profiles of usability test participants / interviewees (1 page).
- Findings (4-6 pages).
- Each finding is classified as either a catastrophic problem, a serious problem, a minor problem, a positive finding, or a suggestion for improvement.
- Appendix: Usability test protocol, including usability test tasks and interview questions (4-6 pages).
- Appendix: Screenshots from the evaluated version of the application (6-8 pages).
- Appendix: Summary of how successful test participants were in solving each test tasks (1 page).